Philippians 3:20-21 reminds us who is in charge.  These verses hearken back to Philippians 2:9-11 where we are told that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all!  That means that He is in charge.  In a world of nation against nation and political party against political party, this supreme truth can become hidden, muted, and forgotten.  But Paul tells us there is coming a day when the noise and clamor of this world will be silenced and the lordship of Christ will be undeniably declared loud and clear.  That is why Paul closes chapter 3 with this reminder in verses 20-21.  Our citizenship is in Heaven!  it has a higher claim to our allegiance than any nation in this world.  In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul describes us as ambassadors for Christ in a foreign world. Heaven is where our hope lies–in a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ  When His power is revealed, all things will be subject to Him.  Nations, presidents, premiers, kings, queens, dictators, political parties, world religions, and even Satan himself all will be silenced, fall on their knees, and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!  That is why even in these politically stormy times, even in the midst of a pandemic, one who trusts in Jesus can live with peace, joy, and thanksgiving (But that’s in chapter 4 next week.)  So, remember where your true citizenship lies and be hopeful and full of the peace that surpasses all understanding!  I hope to see you Sunday!

Bro. Mark